Add Line items to the Invoice
You can use the Link Invoice button to link all the line items on a purchase order to an existing invoice.
For example, an invoice is received for a shipment with items on purchase order #1 and purchase order #2. When the invoice arrives, purchase order #1 is retrieved, and the invoice is created. Rather than recreate the invoice for purchase order #2 you simply link the purchase order to the invoice.
Link an Entire Purchase Order to an Existing Invoice
Open a purchase order.
Click Link Invoice.
In the drop down that appears, enter the invoice number of the invoice you would like to link the purchase order to.
Enter the code for the provider. This field will auto-complete.
Click Link.
The invoice will open in the same tab and all the line items on the purchase order will be added to the invoice.
Use the Link to Invoice for Selected Lineitems menu option to link multiple line items to an invoice that already exists in Evergreen.
For example, an invoice may be made up of items from multiple purchase orders. In this circumstance, you can create an invoice for the selected line items from your first purchase order and then link the line items from other purchase orders onto your invoice.
Link Multiple Line Items to an Existing Invoice
Open a purchase order.
Check the boxes beside the line items you would like to link to your invoice.
Using the main Actions menu, select Actions → Link Selected Line Items to Invoice.
In the pop up box that appears, enter the invoice number of the invoice you would like to link the line item to.
Enter the code for the provider. This field will auto-complete.
Click Link.
The Invoice # and Provider fields are sticky. The information entered in those fields will persist as you move between purchase orders until you change the information.
The invoice will open in the same tab with the selected line items attached.
Click Save.
You can use the new Search tab to search for and add line items to an invoice from within the invoice.
Search for Line Items from an Invoice
Open an invoice or create an invoice.
Click the Search tab.
Select your search criteria from the drop down menu.
See Searching for Line Items for general searching tips.
The Limit to Invoiceable Items check box is checked by default.
Invoiceable items are those that are on order, have not been cancelled, and have not yet been invoiced.
The Sort by title check box is optional.
By default, results are listed by line number. This check box sorts the results by ascending title.
Click Search or press Enter on your keyboard.
Search will start a new search while Enter will build on your current search.
For example, choose LIA-ISBN as your search field, type in the ISBN of your first book and press Enter. The line item will appear in the results list. Then, type your next ISBN into the search box and press Enter. Both line items will now appear in the results list. Continue building your list.
Use the Next and Back links to navigate through the results.
Select the line items you would like to add to the invoice and click Add Selected Items to Invoice.
The selected line items are highlighted, and the invoice summary at the top of the screen updates.
Click the Invoice tab to see the updated invoice.
You can add additional charges to any invoice. Possible charges include taxes and shipping fees as well as charges for items that are purchased without a purchase order, such as a bulk book buy at a local bookstore.
See Invoice Item Type for a list of the charge types available.
Some charge types, such as taxes, are proratable. This means when Prorate is clicked the system divides the amount being charged proportionally among the funds in use on the invoice based on how much is being spent out of each fund.
Add Charges to an Invoice
Open an invoice.
Click the Add Charge… link.
Choose the charge you would like to apply from the Charge Type drop down menu.
Using the drop down menu, choose the fund from which payment for the charge will come.
If the charge type selected is proratable the fund field will be grayed out. When the invoice is prorated the system will determine which funds to apply the charges to based on the contents of the invoice.
Enter a Title/Description of the charge.
In the Billed and Paid fields enter the amount billed and the amount paid respectively.
Click Save to save the changes you have made.
Click Close to close the invoice. Once all the line items and invoice charges have been added the invoice must be closed.
Invoices can be re-opened at a later date if adjustments are required. See Re-Open an Invoice.
Delete Charges from an Invoice
Open an invoice.
Click the Delete link adjacent to the charge line.
Confirm that you wish to delete the charge by clicking OK on the pop up that appears.
The charge is deleted and removed from the invoice.
Click Save to save the changes you have made.
Click Close to close the invoice.
An invoice must be open in order to delete charges from it. It is possible to re-open a closed invoice if adjustments are necessary. See Re-Open an Invoice.
In the event that you receive and are invoiced for more copies that originally ordered, the additional copies can be easily added to the invoice.
Add Additional Copies to an Invoice
Additional copies must be added before the Billed and Paid columns are filled for the line item.
Open an invoice.
Update the number of copies in both # Invoiced and # Paid to reflect the number of copies you actually have.
The Extra Items pop up will appear to confirm the number of copies you are adding.
Select a fund from the drop down menu to apply to the new copies.
Click Add New Items.
Click Save to allow the changes to take effect.
The Title Details for the line item will update to reflect the additional copies. The additional copies are automatically received in the system. Proceed with paying the invoice.
The additional copies can be un-received if needed following the instruction in the Receiving and Un-Receiving Copies section.
Detach Line Items from an Invoice
Open an invoice.
Click the Detach link adjacent to the line item you wish to remove.
Confirm that you wish to detach the line item by clicking OK on the pop up that appears.
If your invoice is complete and contains proratable charges, click Prorate.
Save the invoice.
Click Close to close the invoice. Once all the line items and invoice charges have been added the invoice must be closed.
Don’t forget to link the detached line item to another invoice or create a new invoice for it so it can be paid for.
Invoices can be re-opened at a later date if adjustments are required. See Re-Open an Invoice.