Workflow: Invoice Only


This workflow should be used by libraries that want to track money spent on items not ordered via Evergreen.


  1. Not completed in Sitka’s Evergreen


  1. Not completed in Sitka’s Evergreen


  1. Click AcquisitionsCreate Invoice
  2. Add Charges for Direct Purchases

    1. Click Add Charge to add lines for Direct Purchase charges.
  3. Add Charges

    1. Click Add Charge to add lines for invoice charges such as shipping fee, processing fees or taxes.
    2. Refer to Chapter 26, Invoice Item Types for details.
  4. Close the Invoice

    1. Click Close
    2. Refer to the section called “Close an Invoice” for details.
  5. Information is forwarded to finance department/bookkeeper.


  1. Retrieve a matching bibliographic record from the catalogue, Import a new record from Z39.50 or do original cataloguing.

    1. Refer to the Cataloguing Part of Sitka’s Evergreen Documentation for details.
  2. Add Volume/Copy.

    1. Refer to the Add Holdings Chapter of Sitka’s Evergreen Documentation for details.
  3. Process items.

    1. As per your libraries processing specifications.
  4. Check in items.

    1. Items are now ready to circulate.


Cataloguing is only required if you want to add the items to the database.

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