Via MARC Federated Search

The MARC Federated Search enables you to import bibliographic records into a selection list or purchase order from a Z39.50 source.

  1. Go to AcquisitionsMARC Federated Search.
  2. The interface is very similar to the Import Record from Z39.50 in the cataloguing module.
  3. Search for our item. See Searching via Z39.50 for instructions on performing a Z39.50 search.
  4. A list of results will appear.
  5. Check the box beside the desired search result.
  6. Click Add to Purchase Order
  7. Select your existing purchase order or enter a name for a new one.
  8. If creating a new purchase order update the Ordering Agency if needed and add a Provider.
  9. Check the box for Prepayment Required if desired.
  10. Click Edit the incoming MARC if you wish to make changes to the record.
  11. Click Continue.
  12. A pop-up will appear. Click Go to Purchase Order or Back to Results.

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