
Operators describe how two pieces of data can be compared to each other. They are used when creating filters in a template to determine which records should be included in the result. The record is included when the comparison returns "TRUE". The possible ways of comparing data are related to data type and data transforms. Below are some commonly used operators.

Equals: Compares two operands and returns TRUE if they are exactly the same.

In List: It is similar to Equals, except it allows you specify multiple parameters and returns "TRUE" if the field is equal to any one of the given values.

Not In List: It is the opposite of In List. Multiple parameters can be specified. TRUE will be returned only when none of the parameters is matched with the value in the field.

Greater Than: This operator returns TRUE if a field is greater than your parameter. For text fields, the string is compared character by character in accordance with the general rule that numerical characters are smaller than alphabetical characters and upper case alphabeticals are smaller than lower case alphabeticals; for timestamps "Greater Than" can be thought of as "later than" or "after".

Less Than: This operator returns TRUE if a field is less than, lower than, earlier than or smaller than your parameter.

Between: Two parameters are required by this operator. TRUE is returned when the field value is Greater Than or Equal to the smaller given value and Less Than or Equal to the bigger given value. The smaller parameter should always comes first when filling in a filter with this operator. For example: between 3 and 5 is correct. Between 5 and 3 will return FALSE on the Reports interface. For timestamp earlier date always comes first.

Is NULL or Blank: Returns TRUE for fields that contain no data or blank string. For most intents and purposes this operator should be used when there is no visible value in the field.

Contains Matching Substring: This operator checks if any part of the field matches the given parameter. It is case-sensitive.

Contains Matching Substring (Ignore Case): This operator is identical to Contains Matching Substring, except it is not case-sensitive.

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