It is required practice, and Sitka policy, to search Evergreen, Z39.50 sources, or, in some libraries, a vendor file of MARC records, before using a MARC record template for original cataloguing. Original cataloguing should be done in Evergreen only if there is no record available in any of these previous sources. You can create new MARC records in Evergreen by using MARC templates that exist in Evergreen.
For information about working with MARC records see Chapter 19, Maintaining Bibliographic records.
To access MARC templates, select Cataloguing → Create New Marc Record.
The MARC Template screen opens. Click into the drop down menu field to see available templates. Note you can select a workstation default here. Templates are available for book, music, audio, video and serial in MARC and RDA standards.
Select appropriate template and click Load.
A blank MARC record will load. In this example we have chosen a book template so MARC leader coding is for textual materials.
If you did not utilize Fast Item Add, you may now attach holdings as described in the section called “Adding Holdings to Bibliographic Records”.