Granting Additional Permissions to Staff Accounts
Additional permissions can be granted to library staff in two ways.
Secondary Permission Groups
Sitka Snippet Video - Additional Permissions for Library Staff Accounts (2:03)
Acquisitions and reporter permissions are granted as secondary permission groups. Acq Admin users can grant
acquisitions permissions. Reporter permissions are granted by Support after a
Reporter Privacy Waiver is completed.
Individual Permissions
Local System Administrators may selectively grant additional permissions available to LSA accounts
to other non-LSA accounts.
In the example below a Circ + Full Cat account is granted permission to process offline transactions, a
function which otherwise requires an LSA login.
Log in to Evergreen with a local system administrator account.
Find the staff acount on User Permission Editor. You may search for the patron account, then go to
Others → User Permission Editor, or go to Administration → User Permission Editor to search for
the account by barcode.
When User Permission Editor is loaded, scroll down the permission list to find OFFLINE_EXECUTE.
Select the checkbox in Applied column.
Scroll down to the bottom to click Save.
Permission: List of permission names. For help correlating permissions to specific Evergreen functions
please contact Support.
Applied: If checked the permission is granted to this account.
Depth: limits application to the staff member’s library and should be left at the default. Evergreen
blocks attempts to set Federation- or Sitka-wide privileges.
Grantable: If checked this staff account will be able to grant the new privilege to other accounts
(not recommended).