Chapter 47. Implementing Course Reserves

Before implementing course reserves you will need to consider the following:

How will your reserve items will be identified in Evergreen?

Co-op Support recommends setting up course reserves related shelving locations and using reserve specific circulation modifiers.

How will your reserve items circulate?

If your reserve materials will have special loan periods or fines you will need to consider which circulation modifiers you use and contact Co-op Support to set up new circulation policies. If reserve materials are not holdable, your applicable shelving locations will need to be set accordingly, or, your hold policies will have to be adjusted by Co-op Support.

Who will have access to course reserves?

Library staff must have cataloguing permissions in order to use the course reserves module as the module can update item attributes.

To enable the course reserves module in your public catalogue:

  1. Go to Administration →Local Administration → Library Settings Editor
  2. Set the library setting Opt Org Unit into the Course Materials Module to TRUE
  3. There will now be options for searching and browsing course reserves in the public catalogue.

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