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Brief Records
Place Order

Brief Records

Brief records are short bibliographic records with minimal information that are often used as placeholder records until items are received. Brief records can be added to selection lists or purchase orders and can be imported into the catalog. You can add brief records to new or existing selection lists. You can add brief records to new, pending or on-order purchase orders.

Add brief records to purchase orders

You can add brief records to new or existing purchase orders.

  1. Open or create a purchase order.
  2. Click ActionsAdd Brief Record.
  3. Enter bibliographic information in the desired fields.
  4. Click Save Record.


Brief Records are created without an 008 field. Co-op Support strongly recommends that you edit the MARC record to add an 008.

Place Order

View/Place Orders to order an additional copy of an item that is already in the catalogue.

  1. Open the bibliographic record of the title you wish to purchase.
  2. Click Other ActionsView/Place Orders
  3. Click Add to Selection List, Add to Purchase Order or Create a Purchase Order

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