Chapter 9. Line Items

Table of Contents

Line Item Attributes
Add Copies to a Line Item
Line Item Batch updater
Line Item Actions
Line Item Notes
Line Item Alerts
Line Item Status
Delete a Line Item

Line items represent bibliographic records on a selection list or purchase order.

Line Item Attributes

Line item attributes are characteristics of the bibliographic record, such as ISBN or Title. Line items also contain copy information, price information, notes, and alerts.


Title & Publishing information - Title & Publishing information from the bibliographic record. If there is a jacket cover it will be displayed.

Order Identifier - Line items that are created from existing MARC records may have multiple ISBNs, ISSNs, or UPCs attached to the record (depending on the type of item). Users are able to specify which ISBN, ISSN, or UPC to display in the purchase order sent to providers. User can also add new identifiers as needed. This function helps to ensure that the correct edition of an item is ordered.

  • From the drop down menu chose the appropriate ISBN, ISSN, or UPC; or you can highlight the existing identifier and type in or paste your new identifier.

Line Item ID = A unique system generated ID# which can be used to search for & retrieve line items.

Count of Existing Copies on Line items. When displaying Acquisitions line items within the Selection List and Purchase Order interfaces, Evergreen displays a count of existing catalog copies on the line item. The count of existing catalog copies refers to the number of copies owned at the ordering agency and / or the ordering agency’s child organization units.

  • The counts display for line items that have a direct link to a catalog record. Generally, this includes line items created as "on order" based on an existing catalog record.

    • If the existing copy count is greater than zero, then the count will display in bold and red on the line item.
    • If no existing copies are found, a "0" (zero) will display in plain text.
  • The count of existing copies does not include copies that are in either a Lost or a Missing status.

Catalog link / Link to Catalog. You can link a line item on a selection list to a corresponding MARC record in the catalogue. The link to catalog option enables you to search for a matching record and link the line item to it. The catalogue record replaces the record originally used to create the line item. When bibliographic records and copies are loaded into the catalogue the copies are attached to the linked record in the catalogue. Open a selection list or purchase order. On the line item you would like to link, click link to catalog. The Locate Bib Record search box will appear. By default the search box contains the item’s the ISBN, title, and author. Adjust your search terms if necessary. Click Search. Your result(s) will appear. If there are no results you will return to the search screen. The brief bibliographic information appears. Click View MARC to view the MARC record of your selection. Click Hide to hide the MARC record. If you are satisfied that the record is for the same item, click Select to link it to the record on the selection list or purchase order. The screen will reload and the line item will display with a catalog link. The line item is now linked to the MARC record in the catalogue. This is the record the holdings will attach to when you Load Bib Records and Items into the catalogue.

Line Item Worksheet

  1. Click the worksheet link on the line item for which you would like to view the worksheet.
  2. The line item worksheet will appear.
  3. The worksheet can be printed by CTRL+P.
  4. When you are finished, click Return to return to your selection list or purchase order.

Patron Requests - this feature is not currently used by Sitka libraries

Invoice - a link to the invoice

Queue - a link to the Acquisitions queue

Line Item Detailed view

  • Click Expand on a line item to display the detailed view for that line item.
  • Click Expand All to display the detailed view for all line items.

    • Clicking Expand or Expand All a second time will close the detailed view.

Copies - Use the Copies link to add copy information to a line item.

Notes - Use the Notes link to add notes or alerts to a line item.

Actions - Use the Actions link to perform specific actions on a line item.

Refer to the section called “Line Item Actions” for details.

Line Item Status - Refer to the section called “Line Item Status” for details.

Estimated Price - A purchase order will not activate without the Estimated Price field filled in for each line item. The price entered into Estimated Price is the amount that will be encumbered for the item. It is also the amount that will appear in the price field of the copy editor for all copies created from this line item.

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