Chapter 11. Invoices

Table of Contents

Invoice details
Add Line items to the Invoice
View an Invoice
Close an Invoice
Re-open an Invoice
Print Invoices

You can create invoices for purchase orders, individual line items, as well as creating blank invoices that charges can be added to. If you are setup for EDI your vendor can send you electronic invoices. If desired, you can create an invoice for items before you receive them. You are able to re-open closed invoices to make adjustments as well as print out all invoices. You can create an invoice to use for direct purchases or to link line items to.

Create a Blank Invoice

  1. Click AcquisitionsCreate Invoice.
  2. Fill in the top section of the invoice. See the section called “Invoice details” for details.
  3. Click Save.

Create an Invoice From a Purchase Order

  1. Open a purchase order.
  2. Click Create Invoice.
  3. A new invoice will open in the same tab.
  4. Fill in the top section of the invoice. See Invoice Details for guidelines on filling in this information.
  5. The Bibliographic Items section of the invoice will list all of the line items from the purchase order along with information pertaining to each line item.
  6. Click Save.

Create an Invoice From Multiple Line Items

  1. Open a purchase order.
  2. Check the boxes beside the line items you would like to use to create your invoice.
  3. Click ActionsCreate Invoice From Selected Lineitems.
  4. A new invoice will open in the same tab.
  5. Click Save.


You can link additional line items from the same or different purchase orders to this invoice.

Vendor created invoice from EDI

  1. Select Acquisitions → General Search.
  2. Search for the invoice using the Vendor Invoice Id found on the paper invoice received with the items.
  3. Click on the Vendor Invoice ID to retrieve the invoice.
  4. Click on Show Details.
  5. Verify the information in the invoice details.

    1. See Invoice Details for guidelines on filling in this information.
  6. If your shipment includes items received from a Standing Order the line item count will not match the count of items in the shipment.

    1. Only the items ordered via the Acquisitions module will appear as line items on the invoice.
    2. Standing Order items should be added as Direct Purchase charges.
  7. Verify the billed amounts for each line item listed in the Bibliographic Items section.

    1. Invoices received via EDI will have line items attached with the billed and paid amounts entered by the vendor. If required the electronic invoice should be edited to match the paper invoice.
  8. Mark the items as received
  9. Add Charges for:

    1. Items received from a Standing Order should be added as a Direct Purchase.
    2. Processing costs should be added as Processing Fee or Processing Fee - Prorate.
    3. Shipping costs.
    4. Taxes.
  10. Prorate the charges.

    1. Some charge types, such as taxes, are proratable. This means when Prorate is clicked the system divides the amount being charged proportionally among the funds in use on the invoice based on how much is being spent out of each fund.
    2. If the charge type selected is proratable the fund field will be grayed out. When the invoice is prorated the system will determine which funds to apply the charges to based on the contents of the invoice.
    3. Do NOT Prorate the charges until you are ready to close the invoice. If changes are made to billed amounts after prorating has been done the existing charges will not be automatically updated.
  11. Save and Close the invoice

    1. Invoices must be closed for items to show as "Paid". Fund debits linked to an invoice are only marked as paid when the invoice is closed.

Invoice details

The Invoice Details section must be completed for every invoice created.

Invoice Details fields

  • Vendor Invoice ID (required).

    • This number will be listed on the paper invoice sent by your provider.
  • Receive Method (required).

    • Paper or EDI
  • Provider and Shipper (required).

    • These fields will auto-complete.
  • Note (optional).
  • Payment Method

    • Available payment methods display in a drop down menu. Additional payment methods can be requested. See Guidelines for Submitting Suggestions for New Defaults.
  • Invoice Date (required).

    • By default this is the date the invoice is created on. The date can be changed by clicking the field and selecting a new date using the calendar widget.
  • Invoice Type

    • This field is used if your library distinguishes between types of invoices.
  • Payment Authorization

    • This field is used if your library requires authorization for payments.
  • Receiver (required).

    • This field defaults to the location at which your workstation is registered. If necessary, you can change the receiver using the drop down menu.


The Invoice Details automatically hides once completed. The Invoice Details can be shown at any time by clicking Show Details.

Line Item Details

  • Title
  • Author
  • ISBN
  • summary of copies ordered, received, invoiced, claimed, and cancelled
  • summary of amounts estimated, encumbered, and paid
  • line item ID number
  • link to the Selection List (if used)
  • link to the Purchase Order

The # Invoiced and the # Billed fields will have auto-populated with the number of copies available to be invoiced for the line item.

These fields can be updated as needed.

Enter the amount billed into the Billed field. The Paid field will auto-fill to match.

The following fields are required to save the invoice:

  1. Vendor Invoice ID
  2. Provider
  3. Shipper
  4. Payment Method
  5. # Invoiced
  6. # Paid

Save an invoice

  • Click Save to save the changes you have made and keep the invoice open.
  • Click Save and Clear to save the invoice and open a blank invoice.

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