Chapter 8. Purchase Orders

Table of Contents

Create Purchase Orders
Add Line Items
Activate Purchase Order
Purchase Order Actions
Delete Purchase Orders

This chapter describes how to create and activate purchase orders in the Acquisitions Module.

Create Purchase Orders

Create a Blank Purchase Order

  1. Click AcquisitionsCreate Purchase Order
  2. Choose your library from the Ordering Agency drop down menu.
  3. Enter a purchase order Name (optional).

    1. If you do not enter a name the PO ID will be used.
    2. You can change the name to any grouping of letters or numbers as determined by your library’s policies.
    3. You can reuse purchase order names as long as a name is never used twice in the same year.
  4. Enter the Provider code. The text will auto-complete.
  5. Check the box for Prepayment Required if prepayment is required.
  6. Click Save
  7. The purchase order has been created. You can now add a brief record or view/place order to select from the catalogue.

You can also create a Purchase Order on these screens.

  1. Upload MARC Order Records
  2. MARC Federated Search
  3. View/Place Orders

When creating a purchase order or editing an existing purchase order, the purchase order name must be unique for the ordering agency. Evergreen will display a warning dialog to users, if they attempt to create or edit purchase order names that match the names of already existing purchase orders at the same ordering agency. The Duplicate Purchase Order Name Warning Dialog includes a link that will open the matching purchase order in a new tab.

When a duplicate purchase order name is detected, the user may:

  • Click View PO to view the purchase order with the matching name. The purchase order will open in a new tab.
  • Click Cancel to cancel the creation of the new purchase order.
  • Within the Name (optional) field, enter a different, unique name for the new purchase order.

    • If the purchase order name is unique for the ordering agency, the user will continue filling in the remaining fields and click Save.
    • If the purchase order name is not unique for the ordering agency, the Save button will remain grayed out to the user until the purchase order is given a unique name.

To change the name of an existing purchase order:

  1. Within the purchase order, the Name of the purchase order is a link (located at the top left-hand side of the purchase order). Click the PO Name.
  2. A new window will open, where users can rename the purchase order.
  3. Enter the new purchase order name.
  4. Click OK.


Purchase Order Names are case sensitive.

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