You can access the Advanced Search by clicking Advanced Search on the catalogue homepage or search results screen.
The available search options are the same as in Basic Search, but you may use one or more of them simultaneously. If you want to combine more than three search options, use the Add Search Row button to add more search input rows. Clicking the X button will close the search input row.
The current search library is displayed in the Search Library box.
The default search library is your library or borrowing zone. If your library system has multiple branches or a borrowing zone that includes multiple libraries you can use the Search Library box to select different branches or libraries.
If your library has multiple branches, your search result will display items available at your branch and all branches of your library system separately. If your library participates in Interlibrary Connect the results may display items available across the larger borrowing zone.
If you access the catalogue from, your default search library is Sitka or the library you have selected on the homepage. You may use the Search Library box to select a different library or regional libraries, or all libraries in Sitka to search.
By default, the search results are in order of greatest to least relevance. See Order of Results in. In the Sort Results box you may select to order the search results by relevance, title, author, publication date, or popularity.
When the Limit to Available checkbox is checked search results are limited based on an item’s current circulation status. Titles without available items in the selected search library will not be displayed.
Item statuses that show as available are: Available, On Display, Onsite Consultation, Reserves, and Reshelving.
When the Group Formats and Editions checkbox is checked all formats and editions of the same title are grouped as one result. For example, the DVD and the first and second print editions of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets will appear together.
When the Exclude Electronic Resources checkbox is checked electronic resources are not included in the search results.
You can filter your search by:
Publication Year
Shelving Location
All the search filters, with the exception of Shelving Location, rely on values entered into the Leader, 007, or 008 fields of the MARC record. Records with incorrect coding will not filter correctly.