Capturing Holds

Holds are captured when a checked-out item is checked-in, or an item on the Holds Pull List is retrieved and captured. When a hold is captured, the hold slip will be printed, unless disabled, and if the patron has chosen to be notified by email, the email notification will be sent out.

  1. Select Circulation → Capture Holds or Circulation → Check In.
  2. Scan or enter barcode and click Submit.
  3. Patron contact information and any routing information for the hold is captured.
  4. The hold or hold transit slip is automatically printed on Hold Capture screen by default.
  5. On Check In screen, select Checkin Modifiers → Auto-Print Hold and Transit Slips to print hold slips automatically.


Patron contact information on the slip may differ from what is in their patron account record. Patrons have the option to enter different information when placing a hold, and Evergreen will print information from the hold record, rather than from the patron record.


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