This feature allows patrons to receive checkout receipts through email at the circulation desk and in the Evergreen self-checkout interface. Patrons need to opt in to receive email receipts by default, and must have an email address in their account. Opt in can be staff mediated at the time of account creation or in existing accounts. Patrons can also opt in directly in their OPAC account. This feature does not affect the behavior of checkouts from SIP2 devices.
Allow Others to Use My Account information is displayed in patron summary area.
User Buckets allow staff to make batch modifications to user accounts in Evergreen.
Patron’s email address is a mailto link in the profile, so it can be clicked to send an email to the patron.
Two new columns indicating the number of circulation notifications generated for a given loan and the date of the most recent notification are added to Items Out screen in patron record. These columns will allow circulation staff to better respond to patron questions about whether they were sent a notification about an overdue item.
A new library setting, "Exclude Courtesy Notices from Patrons Itemsout Notices Count", is added to allow libraries to choose whether to exclude courtesy notices in these fields.
Display day-granular due dates in the circulating library’s time zone, which means libraries in non-Pacific time zone will see due date ending at 23:59PM.
A whole day (or days) of the client time is (are) marked closed when marking a single or multiple dates closed on Closed Dates Editor. Libraries in non-Pacific time zone no longer need to adjust computer time to server time zone. Time portion is no longer displayed for such closed dates.
Staff can choose to view holds picked up at all branches of a library system, or all libraries in a federation. Previously staff could only choose to view holds picked up at a selected library/branch or all Sitka libraries.
Users now have the option to suspend a hold at the same time they place the hold. The Place Hold screen has a checkbox that can be enabled for users who want to suspend a hold at the time it is placed. There is also an option to set the activation date at the same time. This option is also available when placing holds on a batch of titles from My List and will apply to all the titles in the batch.
There is a Patron Search link for staff to retrieve patrons via names and other information, rather than relying on barcode alone, on the Place Hold screen in the catalogue.
Staff can place multiple title/metarecord holds at once. This feature is especially beneficial for book clubs and reading groups, which need to place holds on multiple copies of a title.
In order to use the feature, libraries need to set up a new library setting: Maximum number of duplicate holds allowed to a number higher than 1.
When placing a title or a metarecord hold, a Number of copies field will display. This field is not available when placing volume or copy holds.
This feature does not change the way in which the system fills holds. The multiple holds will fill in the same way that they would if the user had placed multiple holds separately.
When an on-hold item is being checked out to another patron, not the requester, there is a new checkbox in the prompt allowing staff to cancel the hold during the check out. If the borrower is picking up the item on behalf of the requester, you can select the checkbox to cancel the hold. However, such cancelled holds are not counted as fulfilled. If you track fulfilled holds statistics, Co-op Support suggests you check out the item to the requester only.
There is a new library setting, Clear Hold When Other Patron Checks Out Item, to allow libraries to choose whether the cancel hold checkbox is selected by default.
Libraries may choose to allow staff to retrieve a few recently accessed patron accounts. To do so, libraries need to set up a new library setting, Number of Retrievable Recent Patrons. Once done, an entry called "Retrieve Recent Patrons" will show up on the Circulation menu.
Now you can include the patron birth year and/or birth month and/or birth day when searching for patrons.
Day and month values are exact matches. E.g. month "1" (or "01") matches January, "12" matches December. Year searches are "contains" searches, i.e. year "15" matches 2015, 1915, 1599, etc. For exact matches use the full 4-digit year.
Copy alerts can be added via the volume/copy creator and the check in, check out, and renew pages. Copy alerts can also be managed at the item status page.
Copy Alerts types are added to allow library staff to add alerts appearing when a specific event takes place, such as when the copy is checked in, checked out, or renewed.
Libraries may choose to suppress certain types of copy alerts via the Copy Alert Suppression page under Local Administration.
A patron billing statement, which summarizes a patron’s bills, credits and payments, is added to Full Details screen. There are two tabs on the screen: Statement and Details.