Chapter 48. Course Reserves Administration

Table of Contents

Implementing Course Reserves
Creating Course Reserve Lists
Adding Course Reserves
Editing/Removing Course Reserves

The Course Reserves module is available to academic libraries for displaying and managing course reserve lists.

The module uses the My Lists functionality in the public catalogue to create lists of reserves materials that can be viewed by users.

Implementing Course Reserves

To request the course reserves module for your library contact Co-op Support. This module is only available for academic libraries.

Before implementing course reserves you will need to consider the following:

How will your reserve items will be identified in Evergreen?

Support recommends setting up a Course Reserves shelving location and using reserve specific circulation modifiers.

How will your reserve items circulate?

If your reserve materials will have special loan periods or fines you will need to consider which circulation modifiers you use and contact Co-op Support to set up new circulation policies. If reserve materials are not holdable your shelving location needs to be set accordingly or hold policies adjusted by Support.

Who will create the course reserve lists?

Because the course reserves module uses the My Lists functionality the lists can be created by instructors or library staff or both. Decide who will create the lists and how admin staff will be informed of new lists to be added or old lists needing to be removed.

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