The MARC Fixed Field 007 Physical Characteristics Wizard enables catalogers to interact with a database wizard that leads the user step-by-step through the MARC 007 field positions. The wizard displays the significance of the current position and provides drop down lists of possible values for the various components of the MARC 007 field in a more user-friendly way.
To Access the Physical Characteristics Wizard for a Record that Does Not Already Contain the 007 Field (i.e. Creating the 007 Field from Scratch):
Right-click in the MARC field column and click Add 007.
Click the blue icon to the right of the 007 field.
Using the Physical Characteristics Wizard:
As the user navigates through the wizard, each position will display its corresponding label that describes the significance of that position. Each position contains a selection of drop down choices that list the possible values for that particular position. When the user makes a selection from the drop down options, the value for that position will also change.
The first value defines the Category of Material. The choices within the remaining character positions will be appropriate for the Category of Material selected.
Evergreen will display the result of each selection in the preview above. The character of your current position will be in red.
Once the user enters all of the applicable values for the 007 field and is ready to exit the wizard, click Apply.
All of the values selected will be stored and displayed within the 007 field of the bibliographic record.