Recurring reports are a useful way to save time by scheduling reports that you run on a regular basis, such as monthly circulation and monthly patron registration statistics. When you have set up a report to run on a monthly basis, you may request an email informing you that the report has successfully run. You can click on the link in the email that will take you directly to the report output. You can also access the output through the Reports interface as described in Chapter 34, Viewing Report Output.
To set up a monthly recurring report, follow the procedure in Chapter 33, Generating Reports from Templates, but make the changes described below.
Do not select Run as soon as possible. Instead, schedule the report to run early on the first day of next month. Enter the date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
With the above settings, you will get an email on the first day of each month with a link to the report output. By clicking this link it will open the output in a web browser. It is still possible to login to the staff client and access the output in Output folder.
Always use relative date for recurring reports. Date is a filter on nearly every template. When setting up a recurring report, always choose Relative Date, instead of Real Date for any date filter on the report creating screen. When using relative date the actual date will be calculated when the report runs. Unlike a real date, the actual value of relative date is adjusted according to the run time. For example, if the report runs at 2018-10-10 04:00, a relative date transformed to YYYY-MM of "1 month ago" will be Sept, 2018; while a relative date transformed to YYYY-MM-DD of '1 day ago" will be 2018-10-09. When it runs at 2018-11-10 04:00 "1 month ago", it will be Oct, 2018, while "1 day ago" will be 2018-11-10. The date goes by calendar day or month.
If you use Real Date, you will have the same result every time, as the report is always generated based on the same condition.
To stop a recurring report, you may delete the pending output from Pending area in Output folder. You may also delete the report from Report folder. But deleting the report will delete all the output files generated by it, too.