Browser Configuration

Update browser
Allow Pop-ups
Allow Cookies
Turn Off Autofill

Update browser

Make sure your browser is up to date

  1. Click Menu.

  2. Click Help.
  3. Click About Google Chrome.
  4. You should see a message saying Google Chrome is up to date.

Allow Pop-ups

Your browser must allow pop-ups from or you will see a small icon or message when a pop-up is triggered.


Allow Pop-ups

  1. Click Menu.

  2. Click Settings.
  3. Scroll to the bottom and click Advanced.

  4. Under Privacy and security click Site settings.
  5. Click Pop-ups and re-directs.
  6. Click Add.
  7. Site:
  8. Click Add.


Allow Cookies

Allow Cookies

  1. Click Menu.

  2. Click Settings.
  3. Select Privacy and security from the left hand side.
  4. Click Cookies and other site data.
  5. Under General Settings make sure Block third-party cookies in Incognito is selected.
  6. Clear cookies and site data when you quit Chrome should be off.
  7. Under See all cookies and site data click Add beside Sites that can always use cookies.
  8. Site:
  9. Click Add.


Security Software and Cookies

If you have cookies enabled in your browser, but they are disappearing, check your computer’s security or antivirus software to see if it may be deleting your cookies on a regular basis.

Turn Off Autofill

  1. Click Menu.

  2. Click Settings.
  3. Under Autofill click Addresses and more.
  4. Turn off Save and fill addresses.


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