MARC records for bibliographic (physical and electronic) and non-bibliographic titles can include additional links to related resources such as table of contents, excerpts, and finding aids.
To add a link for a related resource:
Click the title link to open the record.
Click MARC Edit.
Add an 856 field to the MARC record using the Enhanced MARC Editor or the Flat Text Editor.
Add applicable subfields from the table below.
Subfield code | Description | Example | OPAC Display |
$u | Required; the URL or link to the related resource | Appears as a link in the OPAC display; the link text is the URI unless subfield $y is specified | |
$y | Recommended; a display label for the link | Click for access | Appears as the text of the link instead of the URL defined in $u |
$3 | Optional; a description of what the related resource is | Related Resource | Appears as text beside the link or display label. |
$9 | Required; your library code | MPL | Not displayed in the OPAC but required for the related resource to display. |
If an 856 field has both a $3 and a $z neither will display in the public catalogue. We recommend always using $y instead of $z.
After the 856 field is added, the link will display when the record is viewed in your public catalogue.