Chapter 10. Receive

Table of Contents

Receive Purchase Order
Receive Line items
Receive Copies
Receive Items on the Invoice

You can receive or un-receive entire purchase orders, individual line items or specific copies. Items can be marked as received before or after they are invoiced.

Receive Purchase Order

You can receive purchase orders that have a status of on-order. You can un-receive purchase orders that have a status of received.

In the event that all items on a purchase order arrive together you are able to receive the entire purchase order at once.

Receive a Purchase Order

  1. Open a purchase order.
  2. Check the check box to select all items on the purchase order.
  3. Click ActionsMark Selected Line Items as Received.
  4. Any alerts for the line items will pop up. Click OK to acknowledge the alerts and receive the items.
  5. The line items will change to a gray blue colour and the Status will update to received.

Un-Receive a Purchase Order

  1. Open a purchase order.
  2. Check the check box to select all items on the purchase order.
  3. Click ActionsUn-Receive Selected Line Items.
  4. A pop up will appear asking you to confirm the action → Click OK.
  5. The line items on the purchase order will change to a pink colour and the status will update to on-order.

    1. If the purchase order is received in the future it will behave in the same manner as a purchase order that is being received for the first time.

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