Checked-out items can be renewed if your library’s policy allows it. The new due date is calculated from the renewal date. Existing loans can also be extended to a specific date by renewing with a specific due date, or editing the due date.
Select, Renew, Renew All, or Renew With Specific Due Date.
You can also renew items on the Item Status screen.
It is not currently possible to select a specific due date time when renewing hourly loans with Renew With Specific Due Date. For now the Edit Due Date function should be used if a specific time is required.
Select the new due date and due date time (if working with hourly loans).
Edit Due Date changes the due date in the existing circulation record without reducing remaining renewals, or creating a new circulation record. It does not generate new circulation statistics, and no new notices are generated. For example, editing the due date will not generate a new pre-due notice near the new due date. Co-op Support strongly recommends you use Renew With Specific Due Date rather than manually edit a due date unless you are working with hourly loans.