Overdues Within Time Span - General (Based on Checkout Library)
Found under Shared Folders → Templates → Sitka_templates → Circulation → Overdue
and others.
Recommended Recurrence Interval: Weekly
Enter a name that doesn’t include a specific date as this report will run every week. For example, "Items 7 to 21 Days Overdue"
, not "Overdues for January 9th to 23rd".
Choose Relative Date.
Enter the time period you would like to report on. The earliest date (bigger number)
goes first.
If running as a weekly report it can be handy to use increments of 7.
Add your library or your branch(es).
Check the box for Recurring Report.
Set the Recurrence Interval to 1 Week(s).
Check the box beside the date and set the date to the first time you want the report
to run. The report will run on the same day of the week every week; the example report
will run every Wednesday.
Set the time to between 1:00am PT and 4:00am PT.
Title & Item Count by Shelving Location and Circulation Modifier
Found under Shared Folders → Templates → Sitka_templates →
Collection → Item and Title Count.
Recommended Recurrence Interval: None, run as needed
Enter a name that includes a specific date as this report will show a snapshot of
your collection at the moment the report is run.
Add your library or your branch(es).
Ensure the box is checked for Run as soon as possible.
Inventory - Scanned Items Count by Shelving Location (NEW)
Found under Shared Folders → Templates → Sitka_templates →
Recommended Recurrence Interval: None, run as needed
Enter a descriptive name that includes the date on which you ran the report. You will likely run this report several times
over the course of performing inventory.
Select your library.
Enter the date on which you started doing inventory.
Ensure the box is checked for Run as soon as possible.
Inventory - Un-scanned Items
Found under Shared Folders → Templates → Sitka_templates →
Recommended Recurrence Interval: None, run as needed
Enter a descriptive name.
Select your library.
Add the on-shelf statuses for your library such as Available and Reshelving. With this report you are looking for items
in these statuses that should have been on the shelf and scanned for inventory but were not.
Add the shelving location(s) you want included in your report.
Enter the date on which you started doing inventory.
Ensure the box is checked for Run as soon as possible.
Found under Shared Folders → Templates → Sitka_templates →
Weeding - Copies Circulated Fewer Times since a Selected Date (excl. Copied added after a Selected Date)
Found under Shared Folders → Templates → Sitka_templates →
Collection → Others.
Recommended Recurrence Interval: None, run as needed
Enter a descriptive name.
Add your library.
Add the date after which new items should be excluded. If you don’t want to include items
catalogued in the current calendar year enter January 1st of the current year.
Add the shelving location(s) in which items should be included.
Add a date after which to count circulations. Circulations before this date will not be
used to calculate whether an item meets the threshold entered in the next filter.
Enter a threshold. Items that have circulated fewer times than the threshold, after the date selected
for Checkout Date/Time, will be included in your report output.
Ensure the box is checked for Run as soon as possible (not shown in the screenshot)
For this example, the items that will be included in the report output are items catalogued
before January 1st 2023 (Active Date/Time), that have the shelving location Adult Fiction,
and have circulated fewer than 3 times since January 1st 2021.
Weeding -Copies Never Circulated after a Selected Date (clone)
Found under Shared Folders → Templates → Sitka_templates →
Collection → Others.
Recommended Recurrence Interval: None, run as needed
Enter a descriptive name.
Add the date after which new items should be excluded. If you don’t want to include items
catalogued in the current calendar year enter January 1st of the current year.
Add your library.
Add the shelving location(s) in which items should be included.
Add a date for last checkout. Items that have not been checked out since this date
will be included in your output.
Ensure the box is checked for Run as soon as possible
For this example, the items that will be included in the report output are items catalogued
before January 1st 2023 (Active Date/Time), that have the shelving location Adult Fiction,
and have not circulated since June 1st 2022 (Last Circulation Date).