Appendix C. Report Definition Examples

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Circulation Related Statistics
Collection Management
Collection Promotion
Patron Management

Circulation Related Statistics

Monthly Circulation by Shelving Location (New 3.1)

Found under Shared Folders → Templates → Sitka_templates → Circulation → Monthly Circulation Stats.

Recommended Recurrence Interval: Monthly

  1. Enter a name that doesn’t include a specific date as this report will run every month. For example, "Monthly Circulation by Shelving Location", not "January Circulation by Shelving Location".
  2. Choose Relative Date and add 1 Month(s) ago.
  3. Add your library or your branch(es).
  4. Check the box for Recurring Report.

    1. Set the Recurrence Interval to 1 Month(s).
    2. Check the box beside the date and set the date to the first of the next month.
    3. Set the time to between 1:00am PT and 4:00am PT.

Monthly Circulation by Circulation modifier (New 3.1)

Found under Shared Folders → Templates → Sitka_templates → Circulation → Monthly Circulation Stats.

Recommended Recurrence Interval: Monthly

  1. Enter a name that doesn’t include a specific date as this report will run every month. For example, "Monthly Circulation by Circ Modifier", not "January Circulation by Circ Modifier".
  2. Choose Relative Date and add 1 Month(s) ago.
  3. Add your library or your branch(es).
  4. Check the box for Recurring Report.

    1. Set the Recurrence Interval to 1 Month(s).
    2. Check the box beside the date and set the date to the first of the next month.
    3. Set the time to between 1:00am PT and 4:00am PT.

LIBRARY: Outbound ILC holds count for selected month

Found under Shared Folders → Templates → Sitka_templates → Intra-federation ILL stats.

Recommended Recurrence Interval: Monthly

  1. Enter a name that doesn’t include a specific date as this report will run every month. For example, "Monthly Outbound ILC", not "January Outbound ILC".
  2. Add your library.
  3. Choose Relative Date and add 1 Month(s) ago.
  4. Check the box for Recurring Report.

    1. Set the Recurrence Interval to 1 Month(s).
    2. Check the box beside the date and set the date to the first of the next month.
    3. Set the time to between 1:00am PT and 4:00am PT.

LIBRARY: Inbound ILC holds count for selected month

Found under Shared Folders → Templates → Sitka_templates → Intra-federation ILL stats.

Recommended Recurrence Interval: Monthly

  1. Enter a name that doesn’t include a specific date as this report will run every month. For example, "Monthly Inbound ILC", not "January Inbound ILC".
  2. Add your library.
  3. Choose Relative Date and add 1 Month(s) ago.
  4. Check the box for Recurring Report.

    1. Set the Recurrence Interval to 1 Month(s).
    2. Check the box beside the date and set the date to the first of the next month.
    3. Set the time to between 1:00am PT and 4:00am PT.

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