Chapter 28. Reporter Overview

It is possible to report on almost every field in every table in the Evergreen database. In accordance with Sitka’s privacy policy and owing to the nature of Sitka’s shared Evergreen database any staff needing access to the reporter must sign and submit the Full Reporter Privacy Waiver. Once the waiver is completed, if the staff account meets the required criteria, Co-op Support will grant reporter permissions to the account.

There are three main components used by the reporter:

These components are saved in folders specific to the library account. Users can share their folders to allow others to clone templates and view report definitions and output but only the owning staff account can manage the contents of their folders.


Know which library staff at your library have recurring reports set up and make sure to stop those reports when the staff member leaves your library.

Once a library staff account is closed it is no longer possible to access the reporter via the staff client and you will require assistance from Co-op Support to stop any recurring reports run by the library staff account.

Report templates tell Evergreen what fields are to be displayed in the report output and what conditions to filter on in the database. These templates allow you to run a report more than once, without building it anew every time. Co-op Support has created shared Sitka templates for commonly needed reports. These templates can be cloned and used as is or modified by library staff. Library staff can also create new report templates; successfully creating a new template generally requires a solid understanding of Evergreen and the Evergreen database.

When a report is run Evergreen looks at the values defined for the filters in the report definition and then goes through the database and gathers the records that meet the conditions into an output file. The output file can be viewed via the reporter within the staff client or via the link in the report completion email.

Any staff needing to view report output, but not run reports, must sign and submit the All Staff Reporter Privacy Waiver. Once the waiver is completed, if the staff account meets the required criteria, Co-op Support will grant report output viewing permissions to the account.

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