Chapter 15. Configuring the Staff Catalogue

Table of Contents

Search Preferences
Search Templates

Search Preferences

Sitka Snippet Video - Search Preferences (1:48)

Catalogue searching related preferences can be set directly in the staff catalogue.

Setting Your Preferences

  1. In the staff catalogue click on Search Preferences.

    Catalogue Preference Button
  2. Set the values you would like for your preferences.

    Catalogue Preference Options
    1. Default Search Library This determines what library is searched from the advanced search screen and portal page by default. You can override this setting when you are actually searching by selecting a different library. One recommendation is to set the search library to the highest point you would normally want to search.
    2. Preferred Library This is used to show copies and electronic resource URIs regardless of the library searched. One recommendation is to set this to your home library so that local copies show up first in search results.
    3. Default Search Pane You can choose which search pane is loaded by default when opening a new catalogue window. Choose from Keyword Search, Numeric Search, MARC Search, Browse, and Shelf Browse.
    4. Default Sort Order You can choose what sort order is used by default for sorting your search results.
    5. Default Limit to Available When this setting is checked, the Limit to Available checkbox in the search form will be checked by default.
    6. Default Group Formats/Editions When this setting is checked, the Group Formats/Editions checkbox in the search form will be checked by default.
    7. Search Results Per Page You can enter the number of search results that display per page. We recommend keeping this number under 200.
    8. Exclude Electronic Resources When this setting is checked, the Exclude Electronic Resources checkbox is added to the search form. Note, this does not check the box within the search form by default.
    9. Highlight Search Terms When this setting is checked, the search terms used in a keyword search will be highlighted in the search results.


The preference set in the staff client override any preferences for the logged in account that have been set in the public catalogue via My Account.

Course Reserves Preference

Libraries with the course reserves module turned on will see an additional search preference.

Catalogue Preference Course Reserves

When the box for Show course materials selector is checked an additional filter will appear in the Search Form.

Catalogue Course Reserves Filter

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