Chapter 13. Offline Circulation
Evergreen’s Offline Circulation Module is designed to log transactions during network outage, then offline transactions are uploaded and processed once network operations are restored.
In order to do offline circulation, you need to prepare your workstations when you have network access. The information that is required by the Offline Circulation program needs to be downloaded to your computers. You need to access Sitka’s Evergreen server to get it.
Set up Workstations for Offline Circulation
Prior to using Offline Circulation, you need to do the following, which requires network access:
Register the workstation in the recommended browser on the computers you intend to use. Local System Administrator’s account is required to do this.
Load configuration information by performing a patron search. Select any patron on the result list. Go to Edit tab. The relevant configuration information for the workstation is downloaded during this process.
Set up a default printer for Offline Circulation, if you use Hatch. Go to Administration → Workstation → Printer Settings.
Save the Offline Circulation URL as a Chrome Bookmark.
The permanent link for Offline Circulation is . We recommend that this link is bookmarked on staff workstations. This is the location for both entering transactions while offline as well as processing them later. You will see a slightly different version of this interface depending on whether or not you are logged in.
Browser print options - no additional setup required.
Hatch must be installed and enabled on your workstation.
Click Administration → Workstation → Printer Settings.
Click Offline → Select Printer → Click Apply Changes
Save Patron Registration Form
Search → Search for Patrons.
Perform a search → select a user from the results → and open the Patron Edit interface.
This will allow the Offline interface to collect the information it needs, such as workstation information and the patron registration form.