Table of Contents
Certain things in your public catalogue can be customized for you by Sitka staff. Making these changes takes time, so please ensure you contact Co-op Support with your requested changes at least one week before you want the changes live.
Each library can customize the Evergreen public catalogue with their logo and colours.
The logo should be sent to Co-op Support as a .png file.
Co-op Support recommends thinking about how your logo will display on different devices. Large or long logos may not display well when the public catalogue is viewed on a mobile device.
There can be separate colours for:
Please provide the colours you want in their hex codes. If you like a colour used on another Sitka library’s public catalogue let us know and we can pull the hex code from their site.
By default there are two links in the header - Library Home and My Account. Additional links can be added to point to other resources and pages the library wishes to include. To have a link added, please send both the link and the text to display to Co-op Support.
By default, the public catalogue displays just the date for due dates. Libraries that have hourly loans can choose to have the due date time included; the due date time will display for all check outs, not just hourly loans.
A temporary banner with text and links can be applied across the top of your public catalogue. The yearly banner for Sitka’s Evergreen upgrade will override local banners.