Chapter 33. Course Reserves

Table of Contents

Search Course Reserves
Course Lists

When the course reserves module is enabled an option for searching course reserves displays in the public catalogue.

Course Reserves

Associated courses are displayed as part of the search results.

Course Reserves

Additional fields for circulation modifier and course also display in the item information on the record view.

Course Reserves

The display of course reserves in the public catalogue is controlled by the library setting Opt Org Unit into the Course Materials Module.

Search Course Reserves

You can access the course reserves search by clicking Search Course Reserves.

The Course Reserves Search enables users to search for courses by course name, course number, and instructor. Patrons can search by a particular branch at multi-branch libraries and archived courses can be included in the search results.

Course Reserves


The library setting Allow users to browse Courses by Instructor must be set to TRUE to have instructor incluced as a search option.

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