The Record Views appear below Results Navigation and Record Actions buttons. The Item Table tab is selected by default.
To change the tab that is selected by default, navigate to the tab of your choice, then select the Set Default View button located above the tabs to the right of the page.
The Staff View tab contains information from the MARC record in a human-readable format. It includes title, author, edition, publisher, type of resource, physical description, ISBN, hold and copy counts, subjects, genre, and formats and editions information.
Selecting any of the hyperlinked information will run the appropriate search.
The Item Table tab displays a table of all holdings related to the record. The table is organized alphabetically by library.
If a preferred library is not set for the workstation, only items in the library chosen in the Library Selector will be shown.
If a preferred library is set for the workstation, items in that library will appear in the list when available, but may not be at the top.
Some columns in this table contain links that will let you complete the indicated actions.
To change what information is displayed in the table, see more results, and select other options, see Grid Options.
For a more detailed view of holdings with the ability to use actions, see Holdings View.
The MARC Edit tab allows users with appropriate permissions to modify fixed fields and tags in the MARC record.
This tab allows users to pick between the Enhanced MARC Editor and the Flat Text Editor.
Use the MARC View tab for a printer-friendly version of the MARC record.
The MARC View tab shows a non-editable version of the MARC record.
You may print the MARC record from this tab by selecting the Print Page button located to the left of the page below the record views list.
This tab can give users quick access to basic information about a title, but the Staff View tab may be more useful.
The Record Notes tab allows users with appropriate permissions to keep notes on a record. This may be useful when a record is under review.
Create a new note by selecting New Rcord Note below the record views list. The Record Editor: Bib Record Note window opens. Enter your note in the Note text box and select Save. All other information is generated automatically. Your note is added to the table.
Sort the list in ascending order by creation date or note contents by selecting Creation Date or Note. Sort the list in descening order by selecting the appropriate button again.
Filter the notes by creation date or note contents by selecting Filter below the Creation Date or Note column. A menu opens. Select an operator and criteria, then select Apply Filter. Select Close to close the filter menu.
To remove filters, select Remove Filters below the record views list.
To delete a note:
To change what information is displayed in the table, see more results, and select other options, see Grid Options.
The View Holds tab lists all holds on the record. The total number of holds on a record is displayed below the record views list to the left of the page.
Select a library from the Pickup Library menu to filter the holds by pickup library. By default, this is the library selected in the Library Selector.
To perform an action on a hold:
Sort holds by any column heading in ascending order by clicking the column heading. Sort the holds in descending order by clicking the heading again.
To change what information is displayed in the table, see more results, and select other options, see Grid Options.
The Monograph Parts tab allows users with the appropriate permissions manage parts associated with a record.
To add a new part:
To delete or merge parts:
Select an option from the menu.
Sort parts by any column heading in ascending order by clicking the column heading. Sort the parts in descending order by clicking the heading again.
To change what information is displayed in the table, see more results, and select other options, see Grid Options.
The Holdings View tab displays detailed item and call number information. It also allows users with appropriate permissions to perform actions on holdings.
To perform actions from the Holdings View:
To change what information is displayed in the table, see more results, and select other options, see Grid Options.
The Conjoined Items view allows users with appropriate permissions to manage conjoined items from the bibliographic record.
To perform any actions, first select conjoined items from the table by checking the checkbox located on the left side of the row.
To change the type of the selected conjoined items:
To unlink items:
Sort items by any column heading in ascending order by clicking the column heading. Sort the items in descending order by clicking the heading again.
To change what information is displayed in the table, see more results, and select other options, see Grid Options.