Auto to Lost Triggers

Setting Up the Email Notification
Setting Up the Auto to Lost Trigger
Turning on Auto to Lost

The auto to lost trigger and associated email notification must be set up in a very specific way.

Setting Up the Email Notification

  1. Go to Administration → Local Administration → Notification/Action Triggers.
  2. Filter to find an existing template to copy
  3. Select the template and click Actions → Clone Selected.
  4. An alert will appear Clone event definition environment as well? → Click Confirm
  5. Enter Owning Library.
  6. Add the library short code to the Name field.
  7. Set Enabled to be un-checked.
  8. Modify the template as needed, make sure the days overdue is correct for what the library wants.
  9. Click Save

Setting Up the Auto to Lost Trigger

Clone the Sitka Action Trigger

  1. Go to Administration → Local Administration → Notification/Action Triggers.
  2. Click New Event Definition.
  3. Enter the following information:

    1. Owning Library: LIBRARYCODE
    2. Name: LIBRARYCODE XX Day Overdue Mark Lost
    3. Hook: checkout.due
    4. Enabled: leave un-checked
    5. Processing Delay: XX days
    6. Processing Delay Context Field: due_date
    7. Reactor: MarkItemLost
    8. Validator: CircIsOverdue
    9. Granularity: daily
    10. Max Event Validity Delay: You MUST leave this field blank
    11. Retention Interval: you MUST leave this field blank
    12. Context Bib Path: target_copy.call_number.record
    13. Context Item Path: target_copy
    14. Context Library Path: circ_lib
    15. Context User Path: usr
  4. Click Save.

Turning on Auto to Lost

When auto to lost is turned on for the very first time it will run overnight and set everything that is past the overdue threshold to lost. This is contingent on there being no value set for Max Event Validity Delay or Retention Interval; if values are present not all long overdue items will be set to lost.

  1. Confirm that everything is correct for both the email notification and the auto to lost trigger.
  2. Check the box for Enabled in the email notification.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Check the box for Enabled in the auto to lost.
  5. Click Save.
  6. The next day, open the auto to lost trigger.
  7. Enter the following information:

    1. Max Event Validity Delay: Enter a value between the Processing Delay and Processing Delay + Retention Interval
    2. Retention Interval: 3 mons
  8. Click Save.


There is a bug preventing values from being removed from the Max Event Validity Delay or Retention Interval fields in the staff client. This means that inactive auto to lost triggers can’t just be turned back on in the staff client; they should be referred to Tier2 Support.

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