Volume/Copy Template

Creating Volume Copy Template
Sharing Volume Copy Template

Sitka Snippet Video - Volume/Copy Templates (4:55)

Volume Copy templates allow you to set up default values for selected volume and item attributes. For example, all adult fiction items use the same shelving location and circulation modifier. You may set up a template for adult fiction with the appropriate shelving location and circulation modifier values. When you apply this template, the two fields will be automatically filled with the default values. Use of templates enhances item creation and helps ensure consistency in records.

Creating Volume Copy Template

  1. You can create a volume copy template directly under Admin → Local Administration → Volume/Copy Template Editor or you can create a copy template when creating a new item or editing an existing item record.

  2. On Volume Copy Editor, select/enter value for each required item attribute sharing the same default value.

  3. Type in a name for the template. Click Save.


    If you choose to allow call number attributes to be included in copy template, you will be able set up classification scheme and call number prefixes for the template, as shown in the above screenshot. When the template is applied, these attributes will be applied to the call number. Refer to the section called “Volume/Copy Defaults” for how to allow call number attributes to be included in copy template.

  4. When you go to Volume Copy Editor again, you will see the newly created template listed in the Template dropdown list.

  5. To use it, select it and click Apply.

Sharing Volume Copy Template

Templates are saved on the Evergreen server, but only viewable by the staff account that created them. To share templates with other staff logins, you will need to export the templates, and have staff import them into their accounts.

  1. To export copy templates, click on Export on Volume Copy Template Editor.

  2. You are prompted to specify a folder to keep the template. Click Save once done.

  3. Copy or email the file to the staff who wants to load the templates.
  4. Open the Volme Copy Template Editor on their workstation. Click on Import.

  5. Follow the prompts to locate the templates file to be loaded. Click Open.



When importing copy templates, existing templates will be kept, and new ones added. Templates sharing the same name will be overlaid by the new templates.

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