Chapter 16. Maintaining Holdings

Table of Contents

Working on Copy Attributes
Volume/Copy Defaults
Volume/Copy Template
Copy Alert, Note, Tag and Stat Cat
Editing Holdings
Replacing a Barcode
Batch Editing Copies
Spine/Pocket Labels
Transferring Holdings
Deleting Holdings

Working on Copy Attributes

Fine Level Circulation Modifier Loan Duration Statistical Categories Circulate as Type

Sitka Training Video - Copy Editor (6:17)

The copy editor is used to create or edit item records. It is accessed through the Holdings View tab, or from the Item Status screen, or by clicking Edit beside the item barcode on record details screen. Item records contain multiple fields, called Copy Attributes. The Copy Attributes fields display during the process of cataloguing or editing an item record. It is best practice to understand how these attributes work.

The table below provides detailed descriptions of each field in an item record.

Attribute Description Note


Indicates whether the item can circulate or not

Leave it as "YES", unless the item is in a circulating shelving location but should not itself circulate. If the shelving location’s Circulate? attribute is "NO", this field will have no effect. The "NO" value in this field overrides the shelving location’s Circulate? "YES" value.

Circulation Library

Library currently circulating the item

Shelving Location

Shelving locations belonging to the working location and the organizations on a higher hierarchal level (library system, federation, or Sitka) are displayed in the dropdown list. Multi-branch libraries may create system level shelving locations for all branches to share.

Circulation Modifier

An identifier used for applying circulation policies or for statistical purposes

A shared list of Sitka circulation modifiers displays in the dropdown list for all libraries. Each library selects circulation modifiers to use, and defines its own circulation policy for each modifier.

Loan Duration

Indicates whether an item uses the Short, Normal, or Long loan duration attached to its circulation modifier or shelving location set up in the circulation policy.

Each circulation modifier/shelving location may have three loan durations, corresponding to these three values. Use Normal if only one loan period is used. Please contact Co-op Support if you need multiple loan durations for one circulation modifier/shelving location.

Circulation as Type

Circulation policy may be controlled by the media type in MARC records. When media type is used, this field can be used to override the MARC media type for individual items. It can also be used for statistical purposes.


Indicates whether the item is holdable or not

Leave it as "YES", unless the item is in a holdable shelving location, but holds should not be allowed on this particular item. If shelving location’s Holdable? is set to "NO", this field will have no effect. The "NO" value in this field overrides the shelving location’s Holdable? is "YES" field.

Age-based Hold Protection

Allows libraries to restrict holds to be picked up at a range of libraries

Sitka provides two sets of rules: x_month_within_single_branch and x_month_among_multi_branch. The former allows holds to be picked up at the item’s circulating library only for x months, while the latter at libraries sharing the same parent with the circulating library, e.g. all branches of a library system or all single-branch libraries within a federation. In general, use the former if you are a single_branch library and want to restrict holds to your own library, or if you are a branch of a multi-branch library system and want to keep the holds at your own branch. Use the latter if you are a multi-branch library system and allow items to fill holds picked up at all your branches, but not to go out of your system.

Fine Level

Indicates whether an item uses the Low, Normal, or High fine level attached to its circulation modifier or shelving location set up in the circulation policy.

Each circulation modifier/shelving location may have three fine levels, corresponding to these three values. Use Normal if only one fine level is used. Please contact Co-op Support if you need multiple fine levels for one circulation modifier/shelving location.


Indicates whether an item belongs to a floating group

This functionality must be configured by Co-op Support. If Co-op Support has not configured floating groups for you, leave the field blank.


Current status of the item

By default a new copy record is assigned a status of In Process. Item must be checked in to become Available or cataloguer can choose to change status to Available when a creating copy record. Some statuses, such as Checked Out and On Holds Shelf, are not editable. They can only be used by circulation functions.


This flag can be used for setting up circulation policies or for statistical purposes.

OPAC Visible?

Indicates whether the item is visible in the public catalogue

Leave it as YES, unless the item is in an OPAC visible shelving location, but should not be displayed on OPAC. If OPAC Visible? is "NO" for the shelving location, this field will have no effect. The "NO" value in this field will hide the item, if OPAC Visible? is "YES" for the shelving location.


Item’s price

Acquisition Cost

The actual amount of money paid for the item

Billed amount in Acquisitions module


Indicates whether the checking out item requires a deposit or not

Deposit Amount

Amount required as a deposit for the item

When the item is checked out a bill for this amount is automatically created in the patron account.


Indicates the quality of the item

Quality is used to determine whether an item can be used to fill a hold. By default, only Good items will be used to fill holds. Co-op Support strongly recommends leaving the quality of the item as Good for all items, unless you want to block holds on the item.

Copy Note

Copy Tags

Copy Alert

This message will show up when the item is retrieved or checked in or out

Statistical Categories

copy statistical categories created by your library or federation

Use the dropdown list to choose which organization’s entries to display.

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