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Sitka Training Video - Volume/Copy Editor (7:26)
When the record details are loaded, click Holdings View.
The Volume/Copy creator opens up in a new tab.
Make sure your browser allows Evergreen to open pop-ups.
For multi-branch libraries, you may need to select the branch before clicking Add Copies. If you do not select one, the default owning and circulating library is your login working location.
Complete the required fields in both volume and copy records. Refer to the section called “Working on Copy Attributes” for information about individual fields in a copy record. To ensure data consistency, using copy templates is recommended. Select one from the dropdown list, then click on Apply. Refer to the section called “Volume/Copy Template” for more information.
You can configure the default displayed fields in Volume/Copy Editor. Click on Defaults on Volume/Copy Editor. See the section called “Volume/Copy Defaults” for more information.
To add multiple copies to one library on Volume/Copy Creator, use the arrow in the Copies column to increase the number. Extra lines show up for more barcodes.
Save & Exit is greyed out until barcodes are entered.
If you add multiple copies, and they do not share the values in one or more item attributes, you can select and work on those that share item attributes as a group. You can also temporarily store some items to Completed Copies tab, then work on those on Working Copies tab, which share the same attributes. Save and exit when all copies are done.
After you enter the barcode(s), copies are displayed under Working Copies. Select those copies that share the same item attribute values. Complete the item attributes for these copies. To move them to Completed Copies tab, click on Store Selected.
Select more copies on Working Copies. Complete the required fields. Once done, store them in the Completed Copies tab, or click on Save & Exit.
Completed copies may be further edited, if needed. Select those you want to edit, then click on Edit Selected.
You can Save Completed copies or Save & Exit from Completed Copies tab. When you choose to Save Completed, copy records are created in the database, but they remain on the Completed Copies tab.
On Holdings View, select the libraries you want to add copies to. Click Add Copies.
If you want to add multiple volumes/copies to one library, use the arrow in Volume and Copy volumes to increase the number. Extra lines will show up. Complete or edit call numbers and barcodes, then you can work on copies on the Working Copies tab.
You may also add volumes to more libraries on Volume/Copy Creator screen. Use the arrow in the Owning Library column to list the libraries, then click on Add Volume.
You can hide or display volume and copy details by coordinating the two hide/show buttons shown below.
If your library has multiple volumes and you want to add copies to a particular volume, select it on Holdings View, then click Add Copies.
Sometimes you may need to create a volume/call number record without any copy. For example, you may want to move one of two regular collection copies to reference, which will use a different call number prefix, or catalogue a pre-catalogued item.
Find the title record, then click on Holdings View, select your library, go to Actions list, and scroll to Add to select Volumes.
Complete the call number fields, then click Save & Exit.