Items can have their status changed via the Mark functions on the Actions menus. See the section called “Item Statuses” for more information on how particular item statuses behave.
If a patron believes an item was erroneously checked out on their account and staff cannot locate it to check it in the item can be marked as claims never checked out.
Select the item and click Actions → Mark Claims Never Checked Out.
Libraries may wish to routinely run reports on items with the status of Missing so they can be searched for and replaced/deleted as appropriate.
If a patron believes an item out on their account was returned and staff cannot locate it to check it in the item can be marked as claims returned.
Select the item and click Actions → Mark Claims Returned.
Enter the date on which the patron claims they returned the item and click Submit. If the chosen date is in the past any overdue fines will be adjusted accordingly.
The item’s status is updated to Claimed Returned. It remains associated with the patron’s account and is now displayed on the Other/Special Circulations tab.
Some libraries prefer to use the status Missing. This can be set using the library setting Claim Return: Mark copy as missing.
The patron’s Claims-returned Count is automatically increased. This can be viewed in the patron summary and the Edit tab.
Libraries can use the library setting Max Patron Claims Returned Count to set a maximum number of items a patron can claim as returned before a staff override is required.
A claimed returned items is resolved when it is checked in or when the status is updated to Missing or Lost following local library policy. An alert displays on check in to let staff know a claimed returned item has been found. When an item is located staff may wish to adjust the patron’s Claims-returned Count accordingly on the Edit tab.
If a patron damages an item it can be marked as damaged at check in, via the Item Status interface, or from within a patron’s account.
On the appropriate interface select the item and click Actions → Mark Damaged
If your library has the library setting Charge item price when marked damaged set to True a second pop-up will appear.
Click Submit.
A damaged item is resolved when it is checked in to return it to circulation, when the status is updated to Discard/Weed, or when the item is deleted. An alert displays on check in to let staff know a damaged item has been checked in.
Checking in a damaged item does not affect any bills that were generated when the item was set to Damaged.
If an item is slated to be removed from the collection it can be marked as discard/weed at check in, via the Item Status interface, or from the Holds Shelf. Libraries may wish to use the Discard/Weed status when items to be discarded need to be reviewed before being deleted.
On the appropriate interface select the item and click Actions → Mark as Discard/Weed.
A discarded item is resolved when it is checked in to return it to circulation or deleted from Evergreen.
Staff may wish to put discarded items into item buckets to make it easier for subsequent staff to view and work with the items. See ??? for information on using item buckets.
If an item cannot be located it can be marked as missing via the Item Status interface, from within a patron’s account, or from the Holds Shelf.
On the appropriate interface select the item and click Actions → Mark Missing
A missing item is resolved when it is found and checked in or when it is deleted from Evergreen.
If an item is returned with pieces missing it can be marked as missing pieces from Check In or the Scan Item as Missing Pieces interface. The feature currently functions slightly different depending on which interface it is accessed through.
Select the item and click Actions → Mark Missing Pieces.
The note is applied to the last borrower’s account and the item is set to Damaged and checked back out to the patron’s account.
This method of setting an item as missing pieces is missing the letter that is generated at the end of the process. If that letter is important to your workflow you should always mark items missing pieces via the Scan Item as Missing Pieces interface.
Click Mark Item as Missing Pieces?.
The Create Note pop-up will appear. Use the pop-up to create a note, alert, or block on the patron’s account.
This pop-up is the old Notes pop-up and is missing the functionality that allows staff to select the display depth and set a note as patron visible so it displays to the patron in My Account.
A letter is generated that can be edited and then printed and mailed to the patron.
A missing pieces item is resolved when the pieces are returned and the item is checked in or the pieces are never returned and the item is deleted. Notes related to the item must be manually removed from the patron’s account.
Libraries can choose to use a different item status for missing pieces instead of Damaged. The library setting Item Status for Missing Pieces is used to set this.
If a patron loses an item, it can be marked as lost in their account.
Select the item and click Actions → Mark Lost (By Patron).
The item’s status is updated to Lost. It remains associated with the patron’s account and is now displayed on the Other/Special Circulations tab.
A bill is automatically added to the patron’s account on the Bills tab for the replacement cost of the item and displays in dark red. A processing fee is included if the library has a value in the library setting Lost Materials Processing Fee.
Evergreen can also automatically mark an item as lost after the item is a set number of days overdue. See the section called “Overdue Mark Lost Notification” for information on this process.
A lost item is resolved when it is checked in or paid for. A checked in lost item will continue to display on a patron’s Other/Special Circulations tab until all bills linked to the item are resolved. This includes replacement charges, overdue charges, and manual charges added to the existing bills. See Chapter 9, Bills and Payments for more information on managing Lost bills.