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Patron accounts can be retrieved in Evergreen using the patron’s barcode or other searchable terms from the patron’s account.
The check out screen allows you to enter a patron’s barcode.
Enter the patron’s barcode.
If manually entering the barcode click Submit.
Libraries participating in reciprocal borrowing agreements, like BC One Card, can opt-in patrons from other participating libraries.
Click OK/Continue or Cancel as appropriate.
If a barcode is scanned from a non-participating library a message will indicate that the patron’s record is not viewable at that library and the account cannot be opened.
Sitka Snippet Video - Patron Search (1:04)
The patron search enables you search using information in a patron account to retrieve your patrons and those patrons opted into your library.
Click on the arrow to see all possible search fields.
Enter your search term or terms and click Search.